Product Templates Attributes
Templates are a collection of attributes. Attributes are grouped together to match a particular product type or to provide an input for other purposes, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or product specification. For example, a Book template might contain the attributes, such as ISBN, Author, Number of pages, Year Published, or Condition (New/Used).
Custom names and values prefixed with $
are not supported.
You must create a template before creating attributes.
You can only assign an attribute to one template. If you want to assign an attribute to more than one template, you must create an attribute for each template.
If you want to delete a template, we recommend deleting all attributes assigned to a template before deleting the template.
Once a template is deleted, you cannot reassign a new template to the attributes or use the attributes again.
Creating templates
In the Product Experience Manager > Configurations page, click Templates tab.
Click Add Template.
Enter the following details:
- Name
- Slug
- Description
To change the status, click the Status toggle. You can set either Live or Draft status for the template.
Click Save
Viewing and editing templates
In the Product Experience Manager > Configurations page, click Templates tab.
Click a template.
View or update the following details as required:
- Name
- Slug
- Description
- Status
All attributes assigned to the template are displayed in a table. However, you can only view the attributes, you cannot edit or delete the attributes. If you want to remove an attribute from the template, see Deleting Attributes.
Click Save to save your template.
Deleting templates
We recommend deleting Attributes assigned to a template before deleting the template. You cannot assign a new template to the attributes or use the attributes again after deleting the template.
- Go to Product Experience Manager > Configurations.
- Select Templates.
- If you want to delete more than one template, select the checkboxes of the templates that you want to delete. In Actions, select ... and select Delete.
- If you only want to delete one template, in Actions, select ... next to the template you want to delete and select Delete.
- A dialog is displayed that warns you that the template will no longer be available to use or to associate attributes to.
- Click Delete to close the dialog box and delete the template.
Use attributes to define the characteristics of products in a store. For example, you can assign attributes such as, color and size, to a shirt. When a shopper searches for a specific item, attributes help stores to return the products that match the search criteria. For example, when a shopper searches for a large blue shirt, all shirts that are large and blue are returned as the search result.
In attributes configuration, you can specify whether an attribute is required. This is useful when only a subset of attributes is relevant for a specific product. For example, you can set size attribute as required for a T-shirt and color attribute as optional. This means you don't have to use all the attributes defined in a template if they aren't needed for a particular product. For a template that has 50 attributes, for a particular product, you might only need 3 of these attributes. With this feature, you can mark the remaining 47 attributes as optional. When you search for the product, only the relevant attributes (the 3 you need) are returned. This makes the search results more concise and relevant.
Creating attributes
Before you begin
- Ensure that at least one template is created.
Go to Product Experience Manager > Configurations.
Select Attributes.
Select Add Attribute.
In the Name field, enter a name for the attribute.
To mark an attribute as required, select the Required Attribute toggle.
To set the status of an attribute to Live, select the Attribute Status toggle.
If you want to hide this attribute in your published catalog if no data has been set, select the Hide Empty Template Fields toggle.
In the Description field, enter a description for the attribute.
In the Slug field, enter a unique slug for the attribute. These slugs are shown in the results when you search for a product with attributes.
(Optional) In the Default Value field, enter a default value. You can set this value to use when a user does not provide a value for the attribute and the attribute value is required.
In the Field Type field, select one of the following options:
- Boolean
- Float
- Integer
- Date
- String
In the Template field, select a template. You can link an attribute to only one template.
In the Order field, specify the order in which this attribute is returned relative to the rest of the flow fields.
Click Save.
Editing attributes
Ensure that you republish the catalog release after editing hierarchies to reflect the changes in the storefront.
You cannot edit the Field Type or Template settings. In other words, once an attribute is created, you cannot change it's field type or assign it to another template.
- Go to Product Experience Manager > Configurations.
- Select Attributes.
- Double-click the attribute that you want to edit.
- Update the details as required.
- Click Save.
For the changes to appear in the storefront, you must republish the affected catalogs.
Deleting attributes
- Go to Product Experience Manager > Configurations.
- Select Attributes.
- If you want to delete more than one attribute, select the checkboxes of the attributes that you want to delete. In Actions, select ... and select Delete.
- If you only want to delete one attribute, in Actions, select ... next to the attribute you want to delete and select Delete.