Manage prorations on an offering
Proration ensures that subscribers are only charged for the actual time they use a service, whether they upgrade, downgrade, start, or cancel their subscription partway through a billing cycle. By default, proration is not enabled for Subscriptions. Once you have attached a proration policy to an offering, proration is enabled automatically.
You must create a proration policy before you can attach the policy to an offering. See Create a Proration Policy.
- 200
- 204
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
Success. A proration policy relationship is added to the offering.
Success. A proration policy relationship has been removed from the offering.
Bad request. The request failed validation.
Forbidden. The operation is forbidden on this entity.
Not found. The requested entity does not exist.
Internal server error. There was a system failure in the platform.