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Gets all Prices



Retrieves all the prices.


This endpoint supports filtering. For general syntax, see Filtering.

eqexternal_ref, sku, idEquals. Checks if the values of two operands are equal. If they are, the condition is true.filter=eq(sku,some-sku)
inexternal_ref, sku, idIn. Checks if the values are included in the specified list. If they are, the condition is true.filter=in(sku,some-sku)
likeexternal_ref, skuLike. Checks if the operand contains the specified string. Wildcards are supported.filter=like(sku,some-sku)
gtupdated_at, created_atGreater than. Checks if the value on the left of the operator is greater than the value on the right. If it is, the condition is true.filter=gt(updated_at,2018-04-16T10:11:59.715Z)
ltupdated_at, created_atLess than. Checks if the value on the left of the operator is less than the value on the right. If it is, the condition is true.filter=lt(updated_at,2018-04-16T10:11:59.715Z)



The price list.