Changelog 2022-05-12
Major Commerce Manager: You can now use custom product locales created using Create a product in Commerce Manager. See Configuring Locales.
Major Commerce Manager: You can now use custom product locales created using Create a product in Commerce Manager. See Configuring Locales.
Major Added PayPal Express Checkout payment method. For more information, see PayPal Express Checkout and PayPal Express Checkout Payments. You can also use PayPal Express Checkout in Commerce Manager.
Major Commerce Manager: You can now localize your product names and descriptions. See Configuring Locales.
Major Commerce Manager: WYSIWYG visual editor added to the description field for products. See Adding Product Details.
Major Commerce Manager: Locale settings added to Settings -> Locales. See Locales.
Minor Commerce Manager: Variation selection improvement when adding variations to a product. We now have paginated results on variation listing in the product association screen.
Minor Commerce Manager: UI Improvement. Sale Price Start and End date no longer autofills when adding a new sale price to a product.
Major You can now filter your products on custom attributes (flows). See EP PXM Catalogs API.
Major You can now see the parent nodes a product is associated with in a catalog. See Get all Products.
Major Commerce Manager: You can use store analytics, including total orders made and total value of orders, over a period of time that you select.
Major Commerce Manager: You can search on partial SKU in Products, see Searching Products by SKU.
Major Commerce Manager: You can create product descriptions with rich text formatting.
Minor Commerce Manager: You can sort nodes by dragging and dropping them.
Minor Removed the Store ID field from the Commerce Manager home page. The Store UUID field has been renamed to Store ID. Use this value to open a support ticket.
Major Commerce Manager: You can now use Product Bundles in Commerce Manager.
Major Commerce Manager: You can now cancel an unfulfilled order in Commerce Manager. For more information, see the Cancelling an Order section.
Bug Fix
Commerce Manager: Fixed a bug where users got an authentication loop after a failed authentication.
Minor Commerce Manager: Users can now filter the accounts list by account name in Account Management.
Bug Fix
Commerce Manager: Fixed a bug where an image uploader breaks when user attempts to type in a URL.
Minor Commerce Manager: Added cart expiration in settings.
Major Commerce Manager: You can now view promotion history in Commerce Manager.
Minor Commerce Manager: You can now select usage limit type and maximum uses when bulk generating promotion codes.
Minor Commerce Manager: You can now use pagination to navigate through store list when you have more than 50 stores.
Minor Commerce Manager: Improved authentication error message for invalid credentials.
Minor Commerce Manager: Updated the warning message that appears when you try to update an attribute after deleting the template associated with the attribute.
Minor Commerce Manager: You can now paginate through inventory management log.
Minor You can now view and replicate previous orders.
Minor Global table updates for expanded and compact row views.
Major You can now create variations and options in Commerce Manger and build child products using them. For more information, see the Variations section.
Minor Increased the validity period of the invite link, which is used to invite a non-registered user to a store, from 12 hours to 36 hours.
Major Jump to another Order feature is now available on the Order details page in Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Commerce Manager.
Major Added support for managing accounts in Commerce Manager. For more information, see the Accounts section.
Major Commerce Manager: Product Experience Manager (EP PXM) sale pricing is now available on the PXM Product - Pricing page. Major Commerce Manager: Attributes and templates is now available on the PXM Configurations - Attributes/Templates page.
Commerce Manager
Product Experience Manager (EP PXM) services are now available in Commerce Manager. Manage your product information, hierarchies, catalogs and price books. For more information, see Product Experience Manager (EP PXM).Major Seller users can now be assigned roles to grant distinct functional and feature access to your Elastic Path Commerce Cloud store. For more information, see Roles.
Minor Improved performance when listing all jobs for a store.
Minor In Commerce Manager, orders can now be filtered and exported by Product ID.
Minor Moved the Swift SDK examples from the API Reference documentation to the community-supported ios-sdk
repository Readme file.
Minor UI fixes for Flows in Commerce Manager.
Minor Updated the Flows service to include field validation of non-string data types.
Commerce Manager
In the Flows page, updated the field type Boolean. The default value is now selected by using True and False radio buttons.flows